To inspect and investigate the existing conditions of the waterproofing membrane along the balconies, common areas, building perimeters & to provide a solution for the consistent leaks throughout numerous units.
We are instructed by Chris Heckenberg to attend the site 3 Felton Avenue, Lane Cove north NSW, to carry out a non-invasive investigation and produce a written technical report.
This report is based visual sightings & readings taken by the technicians throughout the duration of the inspection.
This report is based visual sightings & readings taken by the technicians throughout the duration of the inspection.
After conducting visual inspection for (3) independent events, several building defects evidentially require rectifications. All (4) balconies appear to have consistent water leaks to the below units 16, 18, 24 which illustrates evidence of a failed waterproofing underlay beneath timber decking. we advise the following to be repaired:
All parapets inspected contain high mould, efflorescence, and vegetation, which illustrates high levels of absorption. The installation of a colourbond capping is highly required as further moisture will continue to track too the below structures causing delamination, moisture ingress, deflection of substrates.
All unit separate rooftops contain only adhered flashings not recessed brickwork flashing systems. All flashings are required to be replaced with parapet flashings or overlapped flashing recessed into brickwork.
Due to the threshold balcony levels are exceeding the 100mm drop to the existing slab, we recommend the removal of the existing timber decking, install a new tile pedestal system that can match the internal finished floor level. This system will surpass any timber joist decking system and provide a more suitable maintenance scheme for cleaning. The installation of a (3) layer system sheet membrane is also advised once the existing membrane is removed.